
My services relating to radiesthesia and the energetic cleaning of living spaces.

I offer a comprehensive range of services aimed at freeing your home and living spaces from bad energies and transforming them into sources of positive energy.

Energetic cleaning for a clean home

Your home should be a place of calm and energy. By energetically cleaning your home, I rid it of stressful energies that can accumulate over time. I purify not only the air you breathe, but also the energetic space you live in to create an atmosphere of well-being and positivity.

Radiesthesia - detecting and harmonizing hidden energies

Using the art of dowsing, I explore the hidden energy paths in your garden and home. This practice allows me to detect and clear disturbances and energetic blockages. This turns your outdoor area into a harmonious extension of your living space. You can also find further information about this here.

Eliminate bad energies in any room

Every room in your house contributes to your attitude to life. I focus on clearing living spaces of bad energies and transforming them into places of strength and relaxation. Geopathic stresses are neutralized to ensure a healthy and balanced atmosphere.

Garden cleaning and design for your energetic feeling of well-being

A garden should be a vital part of your living harmony. By cleaning and designing your garden according to energetic aspects, I create a space that promotes well-being and invites you to relax.

Why getting rid of bad energies is so essential

Bad energies in your home can have a negative impact on your mood and health. Through my energetic cleansing and radiesthesia services, I ensure that these unwanted influences disappear and make room for a life-affirming environment.

Order energetic cleaning.

Would you like to learn how you can free your living spaces from bad energies and transform them into oases of positivity? Then please book now.

Order energetic cleansing


Note: I would be happy to create an individual offer for villas or properties with major renovations, corporate and public buildings → To contact

Number of Rooms

Experience has shown that it makes sense to clean all rooms in which you spend a long time, such as bedrooms, study rooms, living rooms, dining rooms, TV rooms and the like.

Costs per room: CHF 250.-- excl. VAT

Please enter number of rooms:

Number of seats

I also recommend cleaning outdoor seating areas, such as balconies and terraces.

Cost per seat: CHF 250.-- excluding VAT

Please enter number of seats:

Annual subscription to energetic cleaning

Experience has shown that over time, energies that need to be purified accumulate again. That's why you have the option of ordering an annual subscription in addition to the first cleaning or at any time thereafter. With an annual subscription, you can freely choose the intervals for energetic cleaning.

Costs per interval: CHF 500 excluding VAT

Please enter number of intervals:

Travel charges per cleaning

Please select the applicable option. The kilometers refer from 5512 Wohlenschwil to your location. Calculate the kilometers using this Google Maps route planner.

You will receive an invoice from me including 8.1% VAT, payable in advance.

The energetic cleansings always take place from Monday to Friday.


Choose your desired date:

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